There's been a lot of crazy wacky Mormon shit in the news lately. Sister Divchina and Brother Ed, have been
researching it all, so that YOU (and Sister Patience) don't
have to!
This might turn into a regular series, because the news stories seem to be breeding like,
well... Mormons!
Covered in this episode:
Lori and Chad Daybell. Are they killing everyone by natural causes?
Rusty Nelson's Temple Ritual Changes. With declining numbers willing to operate these
monstrosities, Rusty streamlines your trip through hell with some automation. What's next?
AI Joe?
Heather Gay, from the show Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, comes out as a "Bad
Michael Haight kills everyone because his marriage breaks down.
A giant statue of Joseph Smith finds a home in India's World Peace Dome. Whatever the
fuck that is. They take a guy, who formed an army (albeit poorly), and put him in a "peace
dome". Weird.
Due to the war in Ukraine, imported leaders of the LDS church in Russia have escaped
back to the US. Leaving the remaining Russian Mormons to realise, that if they can't
practice English with native speakers over pot-luck meals, why go to church?
Random silliness from the Bishop's Handbook.
Sister Divchina has a very odd conversation in a library.