Book of Boredom Podcast
Reading & Roasting the Book of Mormon, cover-to-cover.

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Alma 8: Amulek breaks Alma's fast (and his back)

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#124 Alma 8: Amulek breaks Alma's fast (and his back)

Y'all get sleeveless garments for Xmas! So sell your sleeved garments on Depop?

People try to make maps of the stories from the Bible and the Book of Mormon. But there's a difference. Smitty doesn't use real place names. So don't bother trying to picture any of the travels in Alma 8. Even true believers draw half-hearted squiggles.

Apart from Alma 8, we discuss:

In the last LDS General Conference, "Temporary Commands" were introduced as a way to explain away inconsistencies in Mormon revelation. Sister Patience thinks that's a new way to make your head explode.

The LDS Church is buying up truckloads of land in Australia. So much in fact it may trigger a law change on how much land can be purchased in one go by a foreign entity.

Brother Jones and Sister Patience imagine what a Hypercolor Graphic Novel edition of the Book of Mormon might be like.

Sister Patience discovers a 70 person town in the center of Australa comprised entirely of Mormons: Mulga Bore.

The air in Salt Lake City sucks right now because of a high-pressure system trapping all the temple dust (among other pullutants). Mouse (the ironically named massive dog) still drags Brother Jones outside for a walk.

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