Customise the blessing further in the blue section.
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I hope to add some more humorous options in the blue section soon. Stay Tuned!
The PDF (and this form above the blue section) is modelled on a real Patriarchal
Blessing form. You don't need to fill out everything!
If a field is green with nothing in it (most of them), you may skip it!
There needs to be something in the recipient field, because patriarchs often use
the recipient's name in their little rant. But it doesn't have to be anyone's real name!
Might even be funnier that way.
None of the details you enter are kept by the server. Infact, no copy of the pdf
exists. It is streamed straight to your browser!
This page uses cookies to store info you enter temporarily to make the form
work. They are session cookies, which means a normal browser deletes them when the
tab/browser closes. Also they can NOT be accessed by a 3rd party domain.